Blower door test
Change wall_ext, wall_int, wall_inter-apt, floor, and roof to 10 cm2/m2
Close all openings
Run blower door test at PA = 4
Copy into spreadsheet and change calculated surface area to match that of current building
You should get back 9.999 cm2/m2
If not, likely errors are:
The wall area or height isn’t correct for wall_ext
Gable is open, window is open, door is open
Missing a floor or roof leak
One element isn’t 10 cm2/m2
Steady state airflow
Provides a general view of interzone airflows including SAHS supply and return
Stack effect test:
Set ambient to 0 degC (indoor = 20 C)
Turn all AHS schedules to Off
Run SS simulation and check envelope flows exhibit stack flow pattern
Should be no flows through closed windows or doors
Run at least 2 weeks
Allows the use of RESTART file in coupled simulations
Runs a building check to test definition of PRJ
Provides other checks
Reset prior to running
Contaminants to transient
Reset flow elements to correct leakage
Adjust the start and end dates
Turn ahs back on
Adjust the output and calculation timesteps (every 5 min)
Use the RESTART file